Thursday 15 January 2009


Attainment: 2- Reason being is that my creativity with classwork/homework allows me to achieve wide ranges of skill within the lessons.

Effort- 2- The effort that I put into my work is substantial because with media studies there is a lot to write and think about at the same time, and always try to carry out a high standard of work

Punctuality- 3- There is sometimes a problem with punctuality as there are occasional days where i'm not in so therfore punctuality may not be as good as it should be.

Submission and quality of homework- 2 The submission of quality homework is always achieved as I can never say that I haven't put any effort into my homework before being handed in.

Ability to work independently-2 Ability to work independently has improved from last time as now I have had more feedback from teachers and now understand what needs to be done to work well independantly.

Quality of writing- 2/3-The quality of written work could improve by explaining more clearly and detail and using key terms as effectively as possible.

Organisation of Media folder-2 There have been some sheets missing due to absence but overall the oganisation of my media folder is good.

Oral contributions in class-1/2- There are always times where I feel the need to give different interpretations or give constructive opinions in class, also, the contributions come from; alsoasking questions about different aspects of work within class.

Contributions to your practical production group-3 Reason being is that I have been quite late in giving in work previously at GCSE. Although completing the work needed within my group now, I am the late when it comes to the group. This can be prevented by always giving in work and always contributing fully on time.

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